الخميس، 22 يناير 2015


Few days back Israel launched an offensive on Hezbollah in AL-Qunitra city Syria killing 6 and one Iranian officer. Israel immediately claimed that they were a threat to its security and of course everybody in the Western world believed them and distributed the Israeli story.
Is it true though? definitely not for the following reasons:
  • without aerial cover it will be suicide to enter the Golan heights 
  •  with the insurgents a short distance behind them, they would not keep their backs open
  • through their history Hezbollah never entered the occupied lands   

 So why did they attack? could be several reasons:

  • Their allies the Syrian rebels could have been in trouble and asking for assistance
  • targeting high ranking officials
  • the Israelis want to stir up the situation for domestic reasons
  • could have wanted to boost the morals of their loosing allies
  • they might also  have known the presence  of a high ranking Iranian officer in the area , and this was the chance to mess with Iran.
What ever the reason it is not what they told the media, 
Israel was never in the quest of peace, the opposite is true ,they always find something to aggravate their Arab neighbors and when the Arabs retaliate it is always in the eyes of western media "the Israeli victim". We know for sure that the western media almost all of them are Zionist tools , talking about their side of the story never the truth.

So if the devil represents deceiving, fraud, lies and hatred then Israel is the devil.

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